Budget Phone Review: Worth it or Not?

Today's technology has kept us busy and attached to our mobile phones . Loosing our phone or even just missing the feel of it on our hand triggers an uncomfortable feeling for us. People had been more keen and conscious on picking the phone that may match their lifestyle but one of the main considerations …

Blogger to Vlogger

Everyday is a time for us to try something new. I first never had the chance to create my own blog but here I am and now not just a blogger but a vlogger as well. I am happy to share a part of myself here in my blog posts and videos through my vlog …

QR Codes: The Quick guide to knowing me more

Welcome to #MyFavorites Technology has proven itself useful in the human life and has provided countless possibilities to what it can do. Now, try using these QR Codes, also a useful product of technology to know more about my favorites and what are the things I am up to. 1 The link to my favorite …

One click a day keeps the worries away

On my previous blog I shared the story of my first click which is basically the very first time I used a computer. This one would serve as a continuation specifically on what Internet services I click on the most after being introduced to the world of computers and Internet. The Internet has made the …


I barely remember when but the first click is probably the starting point of everything. Everything in a screen. Everything in just one sitting. I was born in the era of play stations; game boys and a lot more stuff that made kids play with it the whole afternoon. We were content with low quality …


“A lesson learned should be a lesson shared”


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